INFO: AppSettings in Web.config
RMTrack Uses a number of settings in configuration files. In general these are documented in the files directly, but not always. This page is the complete list of these settings and their purpose.
NOTE: The RMTrack support is happy to consult as to whether or not a specific option should or should not be set. Extreme caution should be excercised in changing any option that is specifically marked as "DO NOT CHANGE".
web.config AppSettings
- DisallowedUserTypes
- Deny specific user types the ability to logon (eg. Public vs Regular vs Administrators) These settings are only useful when the same RMTrack database is used by 2 or more websites. One website, for example the Internet, might only allow access by Public users (the converse might also be useful: deny access on the LAN website by public users). The value should be either * for all user types, or a comma seperated list of user types. Deny takes precedence over allow.
- PermittedUserTypes
- Allow specific user types the ability to logon (eg. Public vs Regular vs Administrators) These settings are only useful when the same RMTrack database is used by 2 or more websites. One website, for example the Internet, might only allow access by Public users (the converse might also be useful: deny access on the LAN website by public users). The value should be either * for all user types, or a comma seperated list of user types. Deny takes precedence over allow.
- ShowRMTrackPasswordFields
- Used in conjunction with windows integrated authentication When using windows integrated authentication the rmtrack password and password recovery fields are no longer necesary, except in unusual circumstances. Value can be either "true" or "false".
- HideErrorDetails
- Hide details of unexpected errors in .NET pages The error details shown to the user includes a stack trace which is extremely useful for the RMTrack Support team. However this information may also not be appropriate for a publicly accessible installation (eg. on the internet). Value can be either "true" or "false".
- ForceProjectDeleteTimeout
- The "ForceProjectDeleteTimeout" settings is for testing. The setting forces the delete of a project to take twice as long as the as allowed for the Projects.aspx to execute (see below). Value can be either "true" or "false".
- ApplicationVersion
- RMTrack version - DO NOT CHANGE
- RMTrack_CABVersion
- RMTrack ActiveX version - DO NOT CHANGE
- CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.UseAspNetStream
- Configure file uploads to be sent to the database - DO NOT CHANGE
- CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.Provider
- Configure file uploads to be sent to the database - DO NOT CHANGE
- RMTrack_Scripts
- Use "min" to use the RMTrack minimized scripts, otheriwse "" to use the unminimized scripts
- RMTrack_GoogleCDN
- Load jquery/jqueryui from Google's CDN - DO NOT CHANGE
- UseFriendlyConnectionErrors
- Set to "True" to show a helpful message about database connection failures
- UseCustomUnexpectedErrorMessage
- Set to "True" to include a custom support message on the unexpected error page
- CustomUnexpectedErrorMessage
- Include a custom support message on the unexpected error page
- The message itself must be carefully encoded so as not to interfere with this configuration file (the following characters should be escaped using named entities:
- < - <
- > - >
- & - &
- " - "
- ' - '
- The following macro(s) are available:
- [ErrorDetails] - Short form of the error message suitable for use in a MAILTO html link.
- The message itself must be carefully encoded so as not to interfere with this configuration file (the following characters should be escaped using named entities:
- Quartz_SchedulerName
- RMTrack job scheduler url. Must match the quartz configuration in RMTrack.QuartzScheduler.config.
- UseSiteMinder
- Use CA's SiteMinder for logon security. Refer to kb025 for complete details.
- SiteMinderServerVariable
- The Request.ServerVariables variable name that holds the site minder user id
- SiteMinderTestUserId
- For testing purposes only, the RMTrackUserId that should be used as the single signon user from SiteMinder.
- SiteMinderTestEIN
- For testing purposes only, the EIN that should be used for the current user (12345678).
- LogBrowserErrors
- Log browser errors in the RMTrack Windows Event log on the web server.
- DontShowUserBrowserErrors
- Dont show users browser errors
- SqlConnection_MaximumRetries
- The maximum number of times to attempt to open the database
- SqlConnection_RetrySleep
- The number fo millseconds to sleep between retrying opening a database
- SqlConnection_MaximumSleep
- The maximum number of milleseconds to sleep between database open retries (cumulative)
- SqlConnection_MinimumSleep
- The minimum number of milleseconds to sleep between database open retries (cumulative)
- SqlConnection_SlowConnectionWarning
- The number of milleseconds after which a "slow database open" messsage is logged
- SqlConnection_MillisecondsToSleepBetweenRetries
- The number of millessconds to sleep between retrying a database operation
- IncomingEMail_IgnoreBulk
- Flag that forces incoming email identified as BULK to be ignored
- IncomingEMail_IgnoreList
- Flag that forces incoming email identified as LIST to be ignored
- IncomingEMail_IgnoreJunk
- Flag that forces incoming email identified as JUNK to be ignored
- IncomingEMail_IgnoreMismatchedAddress
- Flag that incoming email should accept emails regardless of the TO address
- UseWorkflowModelRoutines
- Temporary feature flag that controlled which workflow routines where used
- HtmlEditor:BasePath
- Installation locvation of the CDEditor files
- RMTrack-JavaScript-Path
- Location of javascript files override for MenuAdapter.js file
- RecaptchaPublicKey
- Unsued. The google recaptcha API key
- RecaptchaPrivateKey
- Unsued. The google recaptcha API key
- RecaptchaSkipValidation
- Unsued. If using recaptcha ignore any validation failure
- SimultaneousExecutions
- Job scheduler maximum number of simultanious jobs
- RMTrackApiVersion
- Optional API version to include in API erorr messages
- AllowUnknownChangeAuthor
- Flag whether IssueSCM_CHECKIN.aspx accepts change authors that are not known rmtrack users
- AllowBlankChangeAuthor
- Flag whether IssueSCM_CHECKIN.aspx accepts change authors that are blank
- RMTrackAPIAdditionalConnectionParameters
- Additional database connection parameters for API handlers Settings
- CrashOnCreate
- Test flag for InstanceManager to cause an unexpected error (does not apply to web.config, but app.config)
DbConnection.udl settings
- ConnectionTimeout
- The connection timeout value is used both for opening the actual database connection and for "command timeout".
- Locate the DbConnection.udl file and double click it (normally this file is located at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\rmt\DbConnection.udl)
- Switch to the "All" tab
- Select the "Extended Properties" entry and click the "Edit Value..." button
- Enter Connection Timeout=60 click OK to close the Edit Property Value dialog
- Click OK to close the Data Link Properties dialog
- The application will automatically detect the connection settings have changed and use the new settings
Applies to
RMTrack Issue Tracking - v4.0 or higher