HOW TO: Change the Session Time-Out parameter in Internet Information Services (IIS), RMTrack v3.2 or lower
When IIS detects that a web session has been idle (no page requests to the server) for a proscribed period of time, the session is automatically terminated. This period is referred to as the 'time-out'.
When the session is terminated any floating license spot associated with the session is freed up.
On installation the session time-out parameter for the RMTrack virtual directory defaults to 20 minutes.
To change the length of the session-time, a network administrator needs to do the following:
Step 1: Change settings in IIS:
    For IIS 6
- Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> IIS
- Plus open down to the RMTrack virtual directory (default is RMT)
- Right-click on the RMT directory and open the properties dialogue
- On the Virtual Directory tab in the Application Settings section, click the Configuration... button
- Select the Options tab and set the Session Timeout parameter
    For IIS 7
- Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> IIS
- Plus open down to the RMTrack virtual directory (default is RMT)
- Open (double-click) the ASP settings icon
- In the Services section, plus open Session Properties
- Change the Time-out parameter
- In the left pane, click on Aplication Pools
- In the right pane, right-click on RMTrack and select Advanced Settings...
- Note: The installer automatically creates an application pool called RMTrack and associates it with the RMTrack virtual directory. If this has been adjusted (i.e. switched it to a different application pool) then the above change must be made to the appropriate application pool.
- In the Process Model section change the Idle Time-out (minutes) value
Step 2: Update the “Web.config” file (RMTrack V3.2 and higher):
- Find the 'Web.config' file in your RMTrack installation directory (default location is: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\RMT)
- Open the web.config file
- Search the file for the words “sessionState mode”
- The line will contain: ...mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="20"
- Change the 20 in '...timeout="20"' to the desired number of minutes
You may need to restart IIS for the change to take effect - note: restarting IIS will terminate any active sessions.
Applies to
RMTrack Issue Tracking - All versions