HOW TO: Change the Session Time-Out parameter in Internet Information Services (IIS), RMTrack v3.2 or lower


When IIS detects that a web session has been idle (no page requests to the server) for a proscribed period of time, the session is automatically terminated. This period is referred to as the 'time-out'.

When the session is terminated any floating license spot associated with the session is freed up.

On installation the session time-out parameter for the RMTrack virtual directory defaults to 20 minutes.

To change the length of the session-time, a network administrator needs to do the following:

Step 1: Change settings in IIS:

    For IIS 6

  1. Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> IIS
  2. Plus open down to the RMTrack virtual directory (default is RMT)
  3. Right-click on the RMT directory and open the properties dialogue
  4. On the Virtual Directory tab in the Application Settings section, click the Configuration... button
  5. Select the Options tab and set the Session Timeout parameter

    For IIS 7

  1. Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> IIS
  2. Plus open down to the RMTrack virtual directory (default is RMT)
  3. Open (double-click) the ASP settings icon
  4. In the Services section, plus open Session Properties
  5. Change the Time-out parameter
  6. In the left pane, click on Aplication Pools
  7. In the right pane, right-click on RMTrack and select Advanced Settings...
    • Note: The installer automatically creates an application pool called RMTrack and associates it with the RMTrack virtual directory. If this has been adjusted (i.e. switched it to a different application pool) then the above change must be made to the appropriate application pool.
  8. In the Process Model section change the Idle Time-out (minutes) value

Step 2: Update the “Web.config” file (RMTrack V3.2 and higher):

  1. Find the 'Web.config' file in your RMTrack installation directory (default location is: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\RMT)
  2. Open the web.config file
  3. Search the file for the words “sessionState mode”
  4. The line will contain: ...mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="20"
  5. Change the 20 in '...timeout="20"' to the desired number of minutes

You may need to restart IIS for the change to take effect - note: restarting IIS will terminate any active sessions.

Applies to

RMTrack Issue Tracking - All versions

Keywords: IIS, Time-out, Timeout, Session